Friday, April 7, 2023

History of Google

    Google, as we see it today, is so well known and often a staple in everyone’s life on a daily basis. Google has been around for a few decades but since technology has advanced so much since its release in 1998, we use it so much more than those who were around technology back then. The internet has changed drastically and nearly everyone is involved in its implications.


    Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin back in 1998. At the time, they were conducting this new computer technology as a research project while they were students at Stanford University. They originally named the project “Backrub” but later changed the name to something that represented their goal. Not long after their company was launched, they moved from a garage to an office in Palo Alto, California by March of 1999. This just goes to show that even the biggest businesses today started off small and that anyone can start a business if they are dedicated enough to push through until they start to see a result. It takes time to watch a business grow and, for Larry Page and Sergey Brin, it took off into one of the most used computerized technologies known to man.


    It wasn’t until 2004 that the company went public. Google began as a form of basic research and wasn’t like it is now. I couldn’t get online to do schoolwork or play a game of solitaire like I could today. Since then, Google has evolved and now there are Google Maps, YouTube (which is owned by Google), Google Earth, and so on and so forth. There are now billions of users and seen as one of the most valuable companies. Google has been and will nearly always be one of the most impactful companies that will be around forever and isn’t going away anytime soon.


    There are tons of positive and negative impacts of any online site. Some are mostly obvious such as quick access to look up things we aren’t aware of and how the internet can lead to a bunch of misinformation. Using Google often creates the argument that people are becoming less intelligent due to frequent usage instead of genuine learning. Additionally, those who search often are left in the dark because, with easy and available answers, we don’t get the big picture. On the other hand, Google has provided us with more involvement with businesses and other companies, whether that be through advertisements or general purchasing. Also, we can look into what is going on in other countries without having to watch the news. This can be seen as either a positive or negative effect. No matter how you portray the internet and Google to be, it is an undeniable fact that it has helped those with access when in need. 

    Of course, there are many downsides to Google, like most technologies have, but unfortunately for those against it, it isn’t disappearing anytime soon like they may hope it will. It is a massive, worldwide site and it’s here to stay whether we like it or not so we ought to use it for our benefit when necessary. 

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